Your Online ai presence awaits

Power your marketing or training Videos with an Ai Avatar

Inclusive of

Online virtual assistant

Avatar chatbots (just like our own Anna you can use here on our website) is an inexpensive asset to your online facing side of your business.

Fast & Efficient 

Your Avatar(s) are active 24/7/365 

No sick days

No salary

No bad mood or tired attitudes

You can monitor or check every interaction



Power your enterprise With an Ai multi-Lingual Chatbot 

Inclusive of

  • Can hold conversations in 27+ languages
  • Can integrate with your own databases and specialized knowledge
  • 24/7 - 365 1st contact in sales or support to your customers
  • Choose from multiple talking Avatars Voices and Languages
  • Integrate with Zapier for personalized automation
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multiple use cases

Video Avatars for Marketing or Training

Real looking and speaking Avatars

It is difficult to find the right mix of Languages and real Ai Life-like characters that don't have Hollywood-type price tags. 

We have a wide range of options

Not everyone has the same requirements, so we let you choose the right fit and price-points are to suit your needs.

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Ask me anything I am your ai based assistant here to be of service to you
why is Ai needed here?

Pattaya is an International Destination

Pattaya is an affordable and popular beachside destination for local and international tourists for several Decades now, and in the past years, with 18 million++ visitors to PATTAYA annually , it has been self-crowned as the 2nd most visited city in Thailand consistently.

Local businesses can now simply and affordably utilize web-based Ai to support their visitors and indeed attract foreign speakers to know what they can offer them whilst 

Pattaya CoPilot
expertise in

Serving businesses AI

Whatever your business nature, ordinary or difficult,we will be happy to serve you. Tell us your business plan and get assistance from our experts in AI services.

  • Improving Business Analytics
  • Customized AI solutions
  • Best in class solutions
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expertise in

Customer Experience on Social Media

Whatever your business nature, ordinary or difficult,we will be happy to serve you. Tell us your business plan and get assistance from our experts in AI services.

  • Improving Business Analytics
  • Customized AI solutions
  • Best in class solutions
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Pattaya Online
expertise in
new york’s Robotics Revolution AI Lab

Whatever your business nature, ordinary or difficult,we will be happy to serve you. Tell us your business plan and get assistance from our experts in AI services.

  • Improving Business Analytics
  • Customized AI solutions
  • Best in class solutions
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